Carers Week 6- 12 June 2022

Making caring visible, valued and supported

Carers Week is an annual national campaign which aims to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognize the contribution that they make to families and communities throughout the UK. This year’s theme is “Making caring visible, valued and supported”.  The aim is to ensure that caring is valued and respected by everyone in our society and carers have access to the information and support they need, where and when they need it.   

Angus Health and Social Care Partnership and its key partner Angus Carer Centre recognise the immense contribution made by unpaid carers in Angus, 365 days a year.   

Peter Burke, the Carers Representative on Angus Integration Joint Board (IJB) said,

“Only about 3,000 out of the estimated 19,000 unpaid carers in Angus receive any type of formal support. We want to raise awareness among the general public to identify who are the unsupported, unpaid carers. Many may reject the label of ‘carer’, so we want to ask, ‘do you provide help to someone who would not cope without it?’ If the answer is yes, then you’re an unpaid carer, and you could be missing out on support, financial benefits, and the ability to shape the services for those who you support.”

Gail Smith, Chief Officer of the Angus Health and Social Care Partnership , said, “Carers week is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of the vital contribution unpaid carers make to families and communities throughout Angus. 

“Angus Health and Social Care Partnership is committed to supporting unpaid carers in Angus and we provide funding to Angus Carers Centre and other carer organisations in Angus, which allows for the delivery of a comprehensive range of information, advice, development of support plans and support for carers across Angus.  

“We know that the number of carers known to Angus Carers Centre continues to increase.  Many people don’t realise the support they provide for their family member, close friend or even their neighbour, could make them a carer.  Looking after someone can be a hugely rewarding experience, but it sometimes comes with difficulties, including finding the right support.  I would encourage everyone to share the campaign’s message to make caring visible, valued and supported. If you see yourself in the stories of carers, please access the wonderful support provided by the Angus Carers Centre.   

“In February 2020 the Angus Health and Social Care Partnership published ‘Carers in Partnership; A strategy for unpaid carers in Angus’. This was developed in collaboration with local carers and their representative organisations and reflects the principles of treating carers as Equal Partners in Care.   I am delighted to say that significant progress has been made with implementing many of the actions identified within the ‘Carers in Partnership’ Improvement Plan. 

“I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge and heartfelt thank you to each and every one of the unpaid carers in Angus.”

Maciej Alexander, Chief Executive Officer at Angus Carers Centre said

“From Montrose to Auchterhouse, and Carnoustie to Edzell, our teams work alongside young and adult unpaid carers from all walks of life to connect them with each other, help them realise their potential and build a sense of belonging.  

“Despite caring being one of the most rewarding and beautiful acts of selflessness and with one in every ten of us having a caring role, it remains hidden, misunderstood and even stigmatised. Over16,000 people, in Angus alone, are missing out on what we can offer.  Let’s debunk the myth and stigma surrounding caring and start building a community we all want to be part of; one that not only recognises the value of caring, but also cherishes and embraces it.”  

You can support this year’s Carers Week by: 

Making a difference by volunteering – click here:

Spreading the word and making caring more visible: 

Finding out if we can help: 

Supporting us: 

For more information on what activities are planned, visit Eventbrite or call Angus Carers Centre on 01241 439157”

Notes to Editors:

  • There are between 700,000 – 800,000* unpaid carers in Scotland including 29,000 who are under the age of 18. Latest estimates from the Angus Health Social Care Partnership (AHSCP) suggest that there are at least 19,000 unpaid carers in Angus.
  • Unpaid Carers should not be confused with paid care workers who are employed to provide care. If someone provides help free of charge to a family member, friend or neighbour who would not manage on their own without that help, they are defined as an unpaid carer.
  • Unpaid carers can be called upon to provide a huge range of services from personal care, emotional support, financial assistance, administrative tasks and everyday household chores, and any combination of all of them. This can also be a 24/7 role which extremely challenging for the unpaid carer to provide.

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