Young Carers

Young Carers

The person the young carer looks after might be their mum, dad, brother, sister, grandparent or any other person close to their family. They may look after the person all by themselves or they may help someone else. 

A young carer is someone aged 18 or under who helps to look after or support a member of their family due to physical or learning disability, mental illness, physical illness, drug or alcohol problems, chronic or terminal illness.

The person the young carer looks after might be their mum, dad, brother, sister, grandparent or any other person close to their family. They may look after the person all by themselves or they may help someone else. Many young people don’t even realise that they are a young carer.

Young carers may cook, clean, do shopping, look after brothers and sisters, give medication, help with washing and bathing, or even just keep someone company. Every young carer’s situation is different – it is not necessarily the amount of care undertaken, but the impact that it has on a young person’s life.

Sometimes, a young carer may experience difficulties as a result of their caring situation. They may find it difficult to find time to do things that other people their age do, like homework, go out with friends, or enjoy themselves.

If you are a young carer, or think you know someone else who is, who could benefit from our support, please contact us using the contact us page. We can then discuss the next steps with you as well as providing you with all the information you need.

Angus Young Carers presents – What it is like to be a Young Carer

Angus Young Carers were supported by external funding to produce a short film. The young carers appearing in this film are all living in Angus and undertake a caring role for a member of their family. This short film was performed and created by young carers to show the challenges that they face but also the sense of pride that each one of them have for being a young carer, we hope you enjoy this.

With thanks form Laurie Easom (Young Carer and Families Programme Service Manager and the Angus Young Carer Team).

What We Offer

One-to-one support with an experienced member of our team allows the young carer to share any concerns they may be having in confidence, and receive guidance and support to assist them in coping with their caring role.

We currently offer monthly groups for two age groups – over 12s and under 12s. These groups offer young carers a chance to make new friends and to get a break from their caring responsibilities at home. The groups will consist of organised activities, discussions, and a chance to meet other young carers, and have some fun.

From time to time we are able to offer young carers the chance to get away for a few days, in a group if their home situation allows. This allows the young carers to have time away from home, to try new things, and have some fun. We also organise one-off day trips during school holidays for young carers.

Some Young Carers may feel that they do not want or need regular support from the Young Carers Worker, through one to one support or group activities. In these cases the Young Carer will receive our newsletter every 3 months containing news about activities and events, as well as other useful information for young carers.

Currently one of the young carers workers visit schools throughout Angus to talk to first year classes or assemblies to raise awareness of young carers, some of the problems they may face and how the young carers service can support young carers.

Are you struggling with either loneliness and/or depression?
Follow the links below for helpful information:

If this Young Carers section describes you and your situation, someone else or if you are not sure, one of our representatives would be happy to discuss further and help. Please contact us or call 01241 439157, Mon-Fri 9AM-4PM.

Useful Downloads

Extra Support for young carers
Help, advice and support for Young Carers
Extra Support for young carers

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