For Carers
You may not think of yourself as a “carer” because you are simply looking after a member of your family, perhaps an elderly parent, a partner or a child with disabilities, but if you do, then you are a “carer”.
An unpaid carer looks after someone who is frail, has an illness or disability, and cannot manage on his or her own without help.
The type of support provided can vary widely – depending on the unique set of needs of the person being cared for and across the following conditions:
• A physical disability
• A mental condition
• A learning disability
• Mental ill health
• A dependency on alcohol or drugs
The person being cared for can be any age. Carers are unpaid and are usually family members, although neighbours and friends can have a significant caring role.
Since 1995 Angus Carers Centre has been committed to supporting adult carers through the following:
• Information and Advice
• Emotional Support
• Practical Help
• Social & Peer Support
• Signposting
Our vision is that all carers in Angus will receive appropriate information and support to enable them to feel valued and confident in their caring situation and to develop their own potential.
If this page describes you and your situation, someone else or if you are not sure, one of our representatives would be happy to talk through further with you. New carers to the Angus Carers Centre, will be allocated a Care worker, depending on their unique support requirements.
To help you get ready for your first meeting with the worker have a think about how your caring role affects you and what kind of help you are looking for.
Ann didn’t think she was a carer. Listen to her story here.
For more information:
Contact one of our Rights & Engagement Officers
or call our Office on on 01241 439157
You can also email us at any time via