Scotland's Census 2022- Carers Count me in

Census 2022 is being held on 20 March 2022 in Scotland. The National Records of Scotland (NRS) runs the Census in Scotland.  Your details are protected by law and information published is always anonymous.

The census is taking place on 20 March 2022 and we want to ensure that everyone looking after someone else identifies as an unpaid carer when completing their form. This is hugely important because the census provides a vital opportunity for the number of carers, and their caring situations, to be officially recognised and better understood.   

There is a specific question (question 12 in Scotland) which asks whether you look after, or give help or support to someone else – and the number of hours per week that you care for.

It is vital that all those providing unpaid care identify themselves as a carer in this year’s census, by ticking ‘yes’ to question 12 and indicating the number of hours they care for.

How you can support Carers UK campaign

Carers UK have provided information regarding the importance of carers completing question 12 in the survey.  Fuller details of this can be found by clicking here.

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