Facilitated Workshops

Mental Health Improvement and Suicide Awareness

Facilitated Workshops

 Mental Health Improvement (Workshop 1) – Tuesday 15th March 1.30pm-3pm

This workshop looks at mental health and wellbeing and explores ways to promote positive wellbeing. 

Suicide Awareness (Workshop 2) – Tuesday 22nd March 1.30pm-3pm

This workshop looks at suicide awareness and provides participants with the knowledge and skills to have compassionate conversations with people who are experiencing mental distress or may be feeling suicidal. 

  • You must be available to attend both sessions.
  • Deadline to book is Friday 11th March.
  • Workshops will be delivered via MS Teams.
  • A Carer Development Worker will be in attendance throughout all sessions.
  • This training is open to all registered adult carers and volunteers.


If you want to know more or sign up to take part please contact either katie@anguscarers.org.uk or jim@anguscarers.org.uk

Please note: If you require help to use MS Teams then please let us know ASAP so we can get IT support for you in place. Where possible, it is easier to access this training using a laptop or tablet in order to view PowerPoints.

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